Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ladybug rocks

This is a small piece of artwork I bought from Etsy to put in Ben's room. It's a photo adhered to a 4" wood block.  It's sturdy, and it's simply adorable.  Four bucks.

About the room.... Weeknights are tough, no lie.  And what fools we are to think we can work in going to the gym during the week.  Ha!  Well... the plan was to finish Ben's room during these sacred weeknights.  Tonight is the night.  David cleaned it up a bit last night, so this is what it looks like now.  It's almost usable again!

This is what it looked like this weekend.

Not pretty, huh?  No, not yet... but just you wait.  I gotta tell you, I'm loving the color.  Doesn't come across too well in the online photos, but it's a beautiful greenish-blue.  Kind of teal, I guess.  It's called Great Falls from Sherwin Williams.  (Side note: Sherwin Williams should really change their logo... Paint dripping all over the earth.  Not an eco-friendly image to say the least. It's off-putting.) A quick google found this guy who sees my point.

But in any case, we got the no VOC's version of paint.

I wanted wainscoting as well but I'm not too sure that's going to happen.  You've got the expense of buying it, the work of installing it, the frustration of never having installed it before so you don't know what you're doing, and David says to me... the liquid nails you have to use may have a toxic smell to it for a while.  Not my idea of kid-friendly.  Maybe if the room had time to air out... But we want him to use it right away.

So, soon and very soon a new photo of a clean room.  Undoubtedly, it will be ever-evolving as Ben's needs and interests change.

I hope to do a new post soon about interesting 'toys' for work or play.  Much of Ben's play is work.  They're mostly one and the same, the way I see it.  The second he is up in the morning, and I get that big good-morning-proud-of-myself grin in bed next to me (yes, he ends up back in bed with us somewhere around 12 or 3), he is up and at 'em.  He needs to get busy right away.  Crawling, opening drawers, emptying them of clothes, standing, sitting, squatting, pushing, pulling, grinning.

Well, sweet potato is about to wake from his much needed nap.  He seems to be getting up in ever-increasing earlier and earlier increments.  Today was round about 6:20 I think.  I mean, dag.

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